Wednesday 14 March 2012

Memo to all staff 5

Attention all staff,
14thMarch 2012

In my last MEMO I brought it to the attention of all staff the importance of “INFORMANTS” in other Government Agencies. You are now aware that we are seeking one at the Commonwealth Ombudsman as MR XXXXXXXXXXX is about to retire.
Yesterday I received an email from one of our informants.

Subject: Confidential
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 15:10:35 +1100

Dear Leader

I am aware that Ms Brown has contacted our Freedom of Information Officer and requested the names of the 33 agency heads referred to the Commonwealth Integrity Conduct Commission in the past financial year. I believe it is urgent that Adum Coma make contact with this officer and make special arrangements that this information is not made available to her.
Also my last payment has not as yet been received. Should I contact Adum Coma direct concerning this or will you do this for me.
I do not need to remind you the valuable contribution I make to the smooth running of your department.


This clearly demonstrates how this department relies on informants.


Your Leader

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Memo to all staff 4

Attention all staff,

I have received the resignation of one of our senior managers this week due to their indiscretion. The other senior manager Mr Mork Fingerly has gone on indefinite stress leave and is under psychiatric care and is sharing the same facilities as Matthew Newton.
I clearly remind all staff working in this department that they must comply the Australian Public Service Act.
Mork has been of great value to this department over the years, and has shown great ability in to write fictitious reports. He will be sorely missed.
You may send Mork a message wishing him well at his blog I am sure he will be very happy to hear from his colleagues and we wish him a speedy recovery.
Further to this, our contact in the Commonwealth Ombudsman 's office that we were able to 
pay bribes to so decisions would look favorably for us is about to retire.
I do not need to remind staff of the value of the Power of the Commonwealth Ombudsman to mislead the Attorney General Nicola Roxan and Julia Gillard and the Federal Parliament.
Therefore if any staff member here has a relation or friend working at the Commonwealth Ombudsman and in a senior position who has computer skills and is capable of changing the final reports of Ombudsman investigators this department would be very happy to hear from them. This will be richly rewarded with payments from our “miscellaneous” Annual Budget. We hope to have this increased at the next “Senate Estimates” We have been closely liaising with all the ALB senators to try and achieve this
I have been advised by Adum Coma that payments have had to be made in the past 10 months to several officers at the Commonwealth Ombudsman to overlook evidence. It was necessary for Adum Coma to make travel to Canberra on several occasions with these payments in plain “ brown envelopes” These payments were for Maggie Chim- Chimmery and Kemp La Perv and several other officers. Also on the 11th November 2011 Di Berrybull did a deal with this department to overlook “SHORTCOMINGS” We thank her for her “Co-operation” ********I clearly remind all staff that money does not grow on trees and our annual budget is not limitless.***********
The position to become vacant at the Commonwealth Ombudsman is similar to the one at “Fairwork” that is dealing with the Craig Thomson matter. This matter remains unresolved after almost 4 years The ALB remains pleased with the result.
The successful applicant would need to demonstrate absolute discretion and possess similar ability to create unrest if a decision may not be in this departments best interest.
Inquiries should be marked “ Confidential” and sent to Adum Coma
