Monday, 14 January 2013

IPA protects corrupt trustee's

Apart from ITSA protecting the fucker Paul Pattison there had been complaints made to the IPA. As this is not a Government organization FOI does not apply.

IPA Action

The below overviews summarise, the outcomes of recent complaints and concerns dealt with by the IPA, including appropriate IPA member discipline decisions and/or actions that the Board has agreed should be published.

Depending on the any facts of the matter reviewed, the overviews may be provided on a names or no-names basis.

Key lessons for all members are also identified.

Termination of IPA Membership – Mr Paul Pattison

by Narelle Ferrier | Sep 10, 2012
In accordance with clause 16.3(b) of the IPA Constitution, Mr Pattison’s IPA membership was automatically terminated on 23 April 2012 following the termination of his registration as a trustee in bankruptcy by ITSA. This arose from a recommendation of a disciplinary committee under the Bankruptcy Act that included an IPA member. The IPA understands that Mr Pattison intends to appeal the termination of his registration to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Prior to the termination of Mr Pattison’s membership, the IPA had made decisions suspending his membership and his membership remained suspended up until the time of its termination.
The IPA has notified Mr Pattison, ASIC, ITSA and Mr Pattison’s accounting membership bodies, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia and CPA Australia, of its determination.
The IPA Board resolved to report this decision and its reasons in accordance with IPA Regulation 25.

my IPA

Loke Ching Wong/Paul Pattison/Adam Toma

Corrupt Trustee Paul Pattison was part of the Committee that made a decision to de-register Loke Ching Wong in 2008. In 2011 Pattison himself was  also de-registered for  doing the same as Wong  How long had this committee been protecting Wong??
This story sounds very familiar with Adam Toma National Enforcement Manager protecting the corrupt trusteePaul Pattison....  
This National Enforcement Manager at ITSA who is on the take needs a big cock up his arse!!!!!!!

AAT Confirms decision to cancel trustee’s registration The Administrative Appeals Tribunal in Wong v Inspector-General and others Wong v Inspector-General in Bankruptcy and others (V 200600930) Melbourne, 12 June 2008 (AAT) has affirmed the decision of the Committee formed by the Inspector-General to cancel the registration of Loke Ching Wong.

Whilst there are prior cases where the Court has cancelled a trustee’s registration this is the first time that an administrative decision to cancel a trustee’s registration, made by a Committee formed by the Inspector-General, has been the subject of review in the AAT. Senior Member Pascoe summarised the history of the matter at paragraphs 3 and 5:

    3. In 2004, the Bankruptcy Regulation Branch of the Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA) undertook an inspection of 23 files relating to bankruptcy administrations conducted by Mr Wong. By letter of 5 April 2005, Mr Wong was advised that a number of errors had been identified and he was requested to respond by 2 May 2005. After an interview and his letter of response, Mr Wong was advised by letter of 14 October 2005 that the Inspector-General had formed a belief that he had failed to exercise the powers, or carry out the duties of a registered trustee properly. He was requested to provide a written explanation of why he should continue to be registered as a trustee. The Inspector-General did not accept the written explanation and pursuant to s 155H of the Act, convened a Committee to consider his registration. After four days of hearing between June and August 2006. The Committee provided a report dated 5 September 2006 in which it decided that Mr Wong should cease to be registered as a trustee under the Act.

    5. In its report, the Committee made a number of specific findings detailing breaches under various sections of the Act including sections 19, 109, 139W, 140,162, 165, 168, 169 and 189A. The report was lengthy but the breaches found can be summarised as follows:
  • Eight matters in which estimated remuneration and costs of Mr Wong in his report to creditors was lower than the amount in his work in progress at the time and lower than his actual final fees. The final fees varied from 11 percent to 244 percent in excess of the estimate.
  • Taking remuneration in excess of that fixed by creditors in five administrations.
  • Banking estate monies in Mr Wong’s firm’s bank account instead of a required special interest-bearing account on six occasions.
  • Use of proxies to pass a creditors’ resolution relating to Mr Wong’s remuneration in wording different to that previously sent to creditors.
  • Systematic and unnecessary registration of estates for GST involving unnecessary work and incorrect banking of GST refunds.
  • Failure to disclose a second and higher valuation of a property in a report to creditors.
  • Failure to disclose to creditors a possible valid claim of a creditor and likely invalid claims of three creditors.
  • Failure to investigate validity of claim for lien.
  • Representing that a petitioning creditor’s taxed costs had been paid at the date of the report when they had not been so paid.
  • Failure to properly calculate the income contribution by a bankrupt.
  • Incorrect classification of interest earned as a charge.
  • Failure to put resolution to appoint a committee of inspection notwithstanding a clear majority of creditors seeking to have such a committee appointed.

    1 Wong v Inspector-General in Bankruptcy and others (V 200600930) Melbourne, 12 June 2008

As both parties agreed with the evidence on which the decision was based the AAT needed to consider whether this evidence warranted a cancellation of registration or a lesser penalty such as suspension.
The primary argument submitted by counsel on Mr Wong’s behalf was that the effective penalty of de-registration for ten years was too severe. It was accepted that some penalty was appropriate. An effective suspension of twelve months was proposed by varying the decision to allow Mr Wong to remain registered on condition that he hand over any existing appointments to another trustee and not undertake any new appointments for the suspension period.

It was further submitted that the matters identified by the Committee were either errors of judgement or simple mistakes. It was argued that, as trustee under Part X arrangements, there was limited time and ability to make full enquiries. It was suggested that the legislation in relation to these arrangements contemplated the need to make a judgement call within a limited time frame. Counsel for Mr Wong submitted that there was no evidence of dishonesty or personal gain, only possible negligence. The Tribunal was urged to accept that Mr Wong had learned by his mistakes and the possibility of any further lapses is most unlikely.
The Inspector-General submitted that:
  • an effective 10 year de-registration period was that chosen by Parliament in enacting section 155A;
  • the breaches by Mr Wong were while acting in a capacity of trustee and involved regular, culpable and negligent conduct in that capacity over several years;
  • Mr Wong’s errors of judgement or mistakes favoured him in taking remuneration in excess of that estimated or capped and no mistakes favoured creditors;
  • the retention of public confidence required the cancellation of registration; and
  • conditions contemplated in s 155I(2)(b) and 3(b) were matters such as undertaking a course of study but not an effective period of suspension of less than ten years.

The AAT made the observation that it was tempted in a form of suspension of less than the statutory period of ten years and could in its view achieve this pursuant to sub-section 155I(3) if it were to decide that Mr Wong’s should cease to be registered if he failed to meet certain conditions, suggesting the conditions that could be imposed might include:
    “that he does not continue with or accept any appointment as trustee for two years and, for those appointments accepted in the third year, provide to the Inspector-General full details of remuneration including creditors resolutions, his reports to creditors showing estimated remuneration, work in progress records and invoice for payment.”

This would have the effect of leaving Mr Wong registered as a trustee. Senior Member Pascoe referred to Muir v Bradley (1984) 57 ALR 155:
    “It is accepted that a trustee under the Act has an onerous duty. At times the estate will not have sufficient funds to provide an adequate remuneration. Particularly in Part X arrangements, the trustee has limited time and limited coercive powers. However, as stated in Muir v Bradley (1984) 57 ALR 155:
    “a trustee in bankruptcy is a person who must command and retain the confidence of the Court, of the creditors and debtors in bankruptcy proceedings and of the general community. His competence must be, and remain, of a high order.”…”

In affirming the Committee’s decision he went on to conclude:
    ….having fully considered the report of the Committee, the acceptance of the factual findings of that Committee and the number of breaches relative to the number of files inspected it would be inappropriate to allow Mr Wong to retain his registration. The only alternative is an effective suspension for a period of less than that provided in s 155A(4). Parliament has specifically provided for a 10 year period in that section and, unlike many other Acts of Parliament which have registration provisions, does not otherwise specifically provide the Committee with power to suspend.”

Saturday, 12 January 2013

The Year that was!! veronique Ingram ITSA/ APS Commission/ Commonwealth Ombudsman

2012 started off  with a charge as  Veronique Ingram, Inspector General in Bankruptcy and the fat mong Alison Larkins , acting Commonwealth Ombudsman  were referred to the  Australian Public Service Commission under S 41(f).
Regardless  that there was considerable  evidence of the failure of both Commonwealth Government Agencies  to comply with their obligations the  Commissioner Steve Sedgwick and the skanky Ethics Manager fucked over the matter.
It was  then discovered that all the complaints made under S41(f) and also by Whistleblower for the past 3 financial years had also been fucked over.
Under FOI I asked  the APS Commission for their Investigation policy. They then told me that the Australian Public Service Commission  did not have one. Karin Fisher emailed me and told me to take down all my blogs as they were highly OFFENSIVE.
I  emailed Ms Fisher back and told her to SUCK IT UP  and she could "COME KISS MY ARSE"
There was one complaint that the APS  Commission  had received that was Investigated by Robert Cornall OA. Cornall was Attorney General's secretary for 8 years. This makes this old fucker ineligible to carry out any investigations for the Government because of conflict of interest. It also appears this fucker also received an order  of  Australia for LICKING AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT  ARSES!!!!!!!!
I then requested the Commonwealth Ombudsman's investigation policy under FOI

George Masri( Senior Assistant Commonwealth Ombudsman ) emailed me back and told me the Commonwealth Ombudsman does not have an investigation policy because the Commonwealth Ombudsman does not do investigations. Clearly I might not be the brightest star , but for  George Masri to tell me this he must  be wanking his cock and needs a good fuck up his arse.
An independent report from KPMG also slammed Fairwork Australia for lack of standards in investigations  and failure to investigate in  key areas in the Craig Thomson matter.
This clearly indicates that the Government has no control of Government Agencies.
It was also  revealed that the NSW Crime commission had been splitting the proceeds of   crime between lawyers  instead of it being returned to the Government  This had been occurring for  TWENTY YEARS before the Fuckers at the NSW  Government finally put a stop to it.
The chief Legal Officer said he had simply misread the ACT. This sound very familiar with Matthew Osborne  doing the same. Osborne also needs   more than a cock up his arse.!
Australia got a new Commonwealth Ombudsman who is being paid $380,000 a year to  fuck over complaints . If anyone is  also wondering why the Banking system is so fucked, look back and you will see that this fucker , Colin Neave was also the Banking Industry Ombudsman and until recently the Financial Services Ombudsman. Mr Neave would have shit up his fingernails for sticking his fingers up all Government department's bum.
I also asked the Commonwealth Ombudsman under FOI to give me a copy of the 578 complaints made about the Commonwealth Ombudsman in 2010-2011. They emailed be back and said they didn't know what I was talking about. Funny how the fuckers suddenly go blank when asked a question they do not want to answer.
It was also discovered that Adam Toma , the National Enforcement Mnanager is on the take. It is particularly fortunate also that this fucker is on ITSA's Audit Committee so he can cover this up. Cheryl Cullen another fat skank at ITSA is also on the ITSA's Audit Committee. She needs a big fuck up the arse also for telling me ITSA has the DISCRETION to mislead me.
Veronique Ingram was question by Senator Williams and Senator Brandis.
Ingram said she was unaware of any intimidation by ITSA and generally said she was fucking unaware of anything.
I requested under FOI a copy of ITSA's investigation policy on the 22nd July 2012. ITSA refused to reply to me. Eventually I contacted the Information Commissioner who informed the fuckers at ITSA of their obligation.
Adam Toma ripped his skirt off when he was told this.
As I already had an FOI with ITSA Mr Mircevski asked me to ask them how many complaints ITSA had received about the corrupt Trustee Paul Pattison .
On the 7th December 2012 I was to have received my FOI however I had to contact again the Information Commissioner to get a reply from ITSA.
Dave Maher from FOI attempted to tell me that my FOI had been sent to the wrong address. So……… he can kiss my fucking ARSE!!!!!!!!!
As if it was a Christmas present from ITSA the FOI arrived in my letter box on Christmas eve.
Clearly it would have killed the fuckers at ITSA to give me the information I requested. Who would know that someone in Bankruptcy Regulations was protecting the fucker Paul Pattison who Veronique Ingram was very vague about. These fuckers at ITSA had received 9 complaints on Pattison in the 12 months before he resigned as a trustee. 5 of these warranted investigation. It is extremely unclear whether these were actually investigated. It was also found that Bankruptcy Regulation has no investigation policy or standards. However the fuckers at ITSA attempted to tell me that Enforcement and Regulation use the same policy. Adam Toma and Dave Maher can come his my fucking arse as their functions are vastly different. Obviously they are wanking their cocks to try and tell me this.
So I put another FOI into ITSA and requested who handled all the complaints about Pattison and to give me the names of all the names of all the ITSA staff that handled complaints about ITSA in the past 3 years and how complaints that warranted investigation was investigated, taking into consideration that Bankruptcy Regulation has no investigation policy.
So........... was Paul Pattison being protected by ITSA because he had cut a deal with Adam Toma????????????????

So how very fucking funny when the cock in the legal Department Mathew Osborne is advising that section 134 gives ITSA and the trustee's discretion to fuck everyone over!!!!!

So everyone at ITSA, Commonwealth

Ombudsman and the Australian Public

Service Commission..............................

KISS MY ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 7 January 2013

Reply to ITSA's FOI

Dave Maher
FOI Officer ITSA
GPO 821

7th January 2013
Dear Mr Maher,

I refer to the FOI response I received from ITSA on the 24th December 2012 which was three weeks late.. I note that ITSA attempted to apologize claiming it was sent to the wrong address. Considering ITSA would not have wanted me to have access to any of the information I requested I quite rightly would consider this to be deliberate..

It also appears ITSA or you, are also attempting to have me believe that Enforcement and Regulation use the same investigation policy. This is highly peculiar as both Enforcement and Regulation have vastly differing roles.

Thank you for you verification of the qualifications of staff at both Regulation and Enforcement. Therefore any failure to investigate fraud ,corruption and serious corrupt conduct at ITSA could be seen as deliberate.
It is now abundantly obvious to me that ITSA was attempting to protect the corrupt trustee Paul Pattison.
Therefore please supply me with the following information under FOI.
In the period 2010-2011 there were 9 complaints made about Paul Pattison.
5 of these warranted investigation.
What was the names of ITSA staff that dealt with these complaints?
If any of these complaints were investigated please supply me with the names of the person who did the investigation.
In the 12 month (2009-2010) period prior to these complaints being made how many complaints did ITSA receive about Paul Pattison? Please supply me with the dates that these were received by ITSA. How many of these warranted investigation and if any were investigated and by whom?
In the next 12 month period(2008-2009) how many complaints did ITSA receive about Paul Pattison? How many of these warranted investigation and was any investigated and by whom?
In the 12 months(2007-2008) prior to this how many complaints did ITSA receive about Paul Pattison. What were the dates these were received ? Did any of these warrant investigation and if so were these investigated and by whom?
In the 12 months prior to this(2006-2007) how many complaints were received about Paul Pattison? Again how many warranted investigation and were these investigated and by whom?

In 2009-20010 ITSA received 44 complaints about the Official Trustee. Please advise me who handled each of these complaints. 4 of these complaints were found to be justified. Were these investigated and by whom?

In 2010-2011 ITSA received 47 complaints about the Official Trustee. 9 were found to be justified and required investigation. Were these complaints correctly investigated as required by the AGIS and by whom?

In the period 2011-2012 ITSA received 31complaints about the Official Trustee. 6 warranted investigation . Who investigated these and did it comply with the AGIS standards?

Under Freedom of Information please supply me with the names of all trustee's that have either resigned from ITSA or have been de-registered in the past 7 years Alongside each name please supply me with the number of complaints ITSA had received about them. Please also supply me with the dates they were received and if they were investigated.
This should include the Trustee's that resigned as mentioned in ITSA's 2011-2912 Annual Report and particularly the Trustee ITSA de-registered.

Under FOI please supply me with the member of ITSA's staff who authorized George Adler for overseas travel .

Further to this ITSA has failed to publish my request for information on complaints on the corrupt Trustee Paul Anthony Pattison on the disclosure log. ITSA would be aware that this contains no personal information nor does it reveal any information about any business, commercial , financial or any professional affairs. Clearly this would be another attempt by ITSA to cover up atrocious corrupt conduct at ITSA, also corruption and fraud by private trustees .

Thank you
Fiona Brown