2012 started off with a charge as Veronique Ingram,
Inspector General in Bankruptcy and the fat mong Alison Larkins , acting
Commonwealth Ombudsman were referred to the Australian Public
Service Commission under S 41(f).
Regardless that there was
considerable evidence of the failure of
both Commonwealth Government Agencies to
comply with their obligations the Commissioner Steve Sedgwick and the skanky
Ethics Manager fucked over the matter.
It was then discovered that all
the complaints made under S41(f) and also by Whistleblower for the past 3
financial years had also been fucked over.
Under FOI I asked the APS
Commission for their Investigation policy. They then told me that the Australian
Public Service Commission did not have one. Karin Fisher emailed me and
told me to take down all my blogs as they were highly OFFENSIVE.
I emailed Ms Fisher back and
told her to SUCK IT UP and she could "COME KISS MY ARSE"
There was one complaint that the APS Commission
had received that was Investigated by Robert Cornall OA. Cornall was
Attorney General's secretary for 8 years. This makes this old fucker ineligible
to carry out any investigations for the Government because of conflict of
interest. It also appears this fucker also received an order of Australia for
I then requested the Commonwealth Ombudsman's investigation policy
under FOI
George Masri( Senior Assistant
Commonwealth Ombudsman ) emailed me back and told me the Commonwealth Ombudsman
does not have an investigation policy because the Commonwealth Ombudsman does
not do investigations. Clearly I might not be the brightest star , but for George Masri to tell me this he must be wanking his cock and needs a good fuck up
his arse.
An independent report from KPMG also slammed Fairwork Australia for
lack of standards in investigations and
failure to investigate in key areas in
the Craig Thomson matter.
This clearly indicates that the Government has no control of
Government Agencies.
It was also revealed that the
NSW Crime commission had been splitting the proceeds of crime between lawyers instead of it being returned to the Government
This had been occurring for TWENTY YEARS before the Fuckers at the
NSW Government finally put a stop to it.
The chief Legal Officer said he had simply misread the ACT. This
sound very familiar with Matthew Osborne
doing the same. Osborne also needs more
than a cock up his arse.!
Australia got a new Commonwealth Ombudsman who is
being paid $380,000 a year to fuck over
complaints . If anyone is also wondering
why the Banking system is so fucked, look back and you will see that this
fucker , Colin Neave was also the Banking Industry Ombudsman and until recently
the Financial Services Ombudsman. Mr Neave would have shit up his fingernails
for sticking his fingers up all Government department's bum.
I also asked the Commonwealth Ombudsman under FOI to give me a copy
of the 578 complaints made about the Commonwealth Ombudsman in 2010-2011. They
emailed be back and said they didn't know what I was talking about. Funny how
the fuckers suddenly go blank when asked a question they do not want to answer.
It was also discovered that Adam Toma , the National Enforcement
Mnanager is on the take. It is particularly fortunate also that this fucker is
on ITSA's Audit Committee so he can cover this up. Cheryl Cullen another fat
skank at ITSA is also on the ITSA's Audit Committee. She needs a big fuck up
the arse also for telling me ITSA has the DISCRETION to mislead me.
Veronique Ingram was question by Senator Williams and Senator
Ingram said she was unaware of any intimidation by ITSA and
generally said she was fucking unaware of anything.
I requested under FOI a copy of ITSA's investigation policy on the
22nd July 2012. ITSA refused to reply to me. Eventually I contacted
the Information Commissioner who informed the fuckers at ITSA of their
Adam Toma ripped his skirt off when he was told this.
As I already had an FOI with ITSA Mr Mircevski asked me to ask them
how many complaints ITSA had received about the corrupt Trustee Paul Pattison .
On the 7th December 2012 I was to have received my FOI
however I had to contact again the Information Commissioner to get a reply from
Dave Maher from FOI attempted to tell me that my FOI had been sent
to the wrong address. So……… he can kiss my fucking ARSE!!!!!!!!!
As if it was a Christmas present from ITSA the FOI arrived in my
letter box on Christmas eve.
Clearly it would have killed the fuckers at ITSA to give me the
information I requested. Who would know that someone in Bankruptcy Regulations
was protecting the fucker Paul Pattison who Veronique Ingram was very vague
about. These fuckers at ITSA had received 9 complaints on Pattison in the 12
months before he resigned as a trustee. 5 of these warranted investigation. It
is extremely unclear whether these were actually investigated. It was also
found that Bankruptcy Regulation has no investigation policy or standards.
However the fuckers at ITSA attempted to tell me that Enforcement and
Regulation use the same policy. Adam Toma and Dave Maher can come his my fucking
arse as their functions are vastly different. Obviously they are wanking their
cocks to try and tell me this.
So I put another FOI into ITSA and requested who handled all the
complaints about Pattison and to give me the names of all the names of all the
ITSA staff that handled complaints about ITSA in the past 3 years and how
complaints that warranted investigation was investigated, taking into
consideration that Bankruptcy Regulation has no investigation policy.
So........... was Paul Pattison being protected by ITSA because he
had cut a deal with Adam Toma????????????????
So how very fucking funny when the cock in the legal Department
Mathew Osborne is advising that section 134 gives ITSA and the trustee's
discretion to fuck everyone over!!!!!
So everyone at ITSA, Commonwealth
Ombudsman and the Australian Public
Service Commission..............................
KISS MY ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!