Friday, 28 February 2014

Corby seeking what documents  what documents where put before magistrate  who signed search warrant.
Clearly as Julian Assange says that there are some shonky magistrates out there!!!!!!!!!!!!
The case has been listed for its first mention tomorrow before Justice Jayne Jagot in Sydney.
The development is yet another sensation twist in the Corby saga with armed agents from the AFP raiding Seven’s Sydney offices last Tuesday to search for documents relating to an exclusive deal for a paid interview with Schapelle Corby.
Justice Jagot, presiding over the mention of Mercedes’ case, is also hearing the case lodged by Seven West Media against the AFP over the raidson Seven and on the offices of New Idea magazine last week.
ALSOSeven is seeking details of the material the AFP presented to the magistrate who signed the search warrants. The media company has asked the court to review and set aside the warrants.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

FOI AFSA/ Dave Maher/ protecting fraud and corruption
 Well it only gets funnier when I have  all the shonky senior management in court so they can expose themselves.

FOI Coordinator
Australian Financial Security Authority
GPO Box 821

27th February2014

Dear Mr Maher

I refer to your letter dated 19th February 2014

I requested a copy of your certificates of compliance and the number of AFP referrals made in the  financial year 2012-2013

 You made a decision to refuse me the certificates of compliance  because disclosure could reasonably  be expected to have an adverse  affect on the proper and efficient conduct of the operations of the Agency.

I make a special note that the Commonwealth Ombudsman provided me freely  the same information   and the certificates of compliance for the  past  3 Financial years.

This indicates to me that  there is no transparency at AFSA and you are attempting to protect Fraud and systemic corrupt conduct.

I also remind you Mr Maher that you have obligations under the the FOI Act and one of them   is not the discretion to  protect systemic corrupt conduct

and  fraud at AFSA


I find it particularly amusing you find that releasing this information to me would not be in the PUBLIC INTEREST

Please explain to me why you fail  to be in uniform with transparency of other Government Agencies.

I also refer to the 11 search warrants and referrals made by ITSA or AFSA to the AFP.

Please also  advise me how many of these were made by a corrupt Adam Toma or a shonky Veronique Ingram to  intimidate any person who exposed fraud and systemic corrupt conduct by senior Management at your agency.

Thank you

Fiona Brown

FOI Commonwealth Ombudsman

S15 Commonwealth Ombudsman Act requires that all systemic breaches , fraud and corruption be referred by the Commonwealth Ombudsman to the relevant Minister. However this requirement is fucked and shonkey Government department are protected

Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request 2014-1008 decision [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2014 11:37:53 +1100

Hi Sandra,
I refer to your reply dated 17th February 2014.
It appears the statistics I wish to obtain is unavailable in the Ombudsmans Annual report . Although there is statistical information available it fails to reflect what is required of the Commonwealth Ombudsman under S15 Commonwealth Ombudsman Act 1976.
Therefore could you please help me with the statistics available on investigations .
Thanking you
Fiona Brown