Friday, 3 February 2012

How will the APS Commission Cover this up and why the Commonwealth Ombudsman covers up for Government Agencies

If anyone has  a complaint about a Government Agency and brings it to the attention of the relevant Minister, Prime Minister or Treasury just expect nothing will be done.
The Government will not deal with these matters because   the liability is enormous.
I have a fucking load of letters of one department referring a  problem to the other.
The funniest of the the all is when you are referred to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman  will not expose systemic corruption or any other  similar complaint because it will expose the Government to enormous liability.
 So, my advice is to those who read this in Australia and those who are reading this in America, never ever speak to the Ombudsman on the telephone. Always , Always correspond by email so you have the evidence that they cannot deny.
Now the matter has been referred to the APS Commission and the APS Commissioner Steve Sedgewick.
How  will they try and cover this up?? I have it all in writing  from the Commonwealth Ombudsman Steve. What deal will you do to make this go away.???
Why did the dumb fucks at the Commonwealth Ombudsman attempt to cover it up when they already were aware of the extensive evidence that I had on ITSA.
Is there more than systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA????   Is there actual corruption  at ITSA that Senior Management is involved in and the Commonwealth Ombudsman is protecting??? Are Trustee's profiting from using S134(3)???? Mathew Osborne's advice to trustee's to use this section to breach the Bankruptcy Act has not been disciplined by Veronique Ingram. Why not???

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