Saturday, 28 April 2012

Adam Toma's Conversation with Mark Findlay


Commissioner Steven Sedgwick found all the shit at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia should continue......

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Saturday, 21 April 2012

Commissioner Sedgwick's prayer to God


Commissioner Sedgwicks prayer to GOD


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Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 10:49:41 +1000
Subject: Commissioner Steve Sedgewick

Dear Ms Brown

I am writing in response to your email of 19 April 2012, which I note has been widely circulated.
The email is defamatory and highly offensive.  I am advising you to stop sending similar emails to me and copy recipients, and to remove this material from websites that you have established.

Yours sincerely

Karin Fisher    l     Group Manager
Ethics Group

Australian Public Service Commission
Level 5, Aviation House, 16 Furzer Street, PHILLIP ACT 2606
P: +612 6202 3846    l    F: +612 6202 3851l    W: 

Response to this email........................

Subject: RE: Commissioner Steve Sedgewick
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2012 17:17:52 +1000

 Dear Karin,
So you find my email highly Offensive and  defamatory.
I would advise you to reconsider  Steve Sedgwick's and your recent  decisions to cover up  on systemic Corrupt Conduct by Veronique Ingram and Alison Larkins.
I would like to advise you to simply suck it all up darling.
 Other than that you may like to take me to court. This would be heaps of fun as I have all the evidence on the the APS Commission and the relevant Agencies. 
Honey... its your call......
Fiona Brown...................................

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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Commissioner Seve Sedgwick/ KISS my arse and I can perform Miracles

His origins are unclear but it is known he was born a mere mortal and was brought to this world on the wings of angels.
It is unclear if his mother was a virgin at the time of his birth or whether she had a visitation in a vision by ARC Angel Michael and Gabriel.
He worked hard in the Australian Public Service and he prayed he would achieve  greatness.
It was established early that he was able to perform Miracles when you kissed his Arse.
Eventually he reached the inner sanctum of the Australian Public Service Commission and  became known as Commissioner Steve Sedgwick. He then  became known for performing great miracles when his ARSE was Kissed by Agency and Department heads and covered up all systemic Corrupt  conduct in the Department.

In the past Financial year Commissioner Sedgwick covered up 33 referrals of   Department and Agency Heads including 11  from wistleblowers. He refuses to demonstrate how he comes to these decisions and so far has remained unaccountable just like his HERO JESUS

Commonwealth ombudsman statistics2


So you have come to see the statistics of the Commonwealth Ombudsman!!!!
If you have made a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman you probably have less than 1% chance of it being  handled correctly.
You have also around only 20% chance of the matter being investigated and  and a 99% chance of the matter being covered up!
Section 15 of the Ombudsman's act requires certain matters be brought to the Attention of the relevant Ministers, though what actually occurs is the Ombudsman brings it to the attention of the relevant agency or Department head and then make a deal to cover the matter up so this may continue . 
Eventually this conduct becomes part of the Systemic Corrupt Conduct of the  Department..
Be aware the Commonwealth Ombudsman  has no accounability   and it is all a game of KISS MY ARS Efor Agency and Department heads

Email to the Freedom of Information Officer Commonwealth Ombudsman..
Dear Luke,
I appears you have been sniffing Alison Larkins arse too much lately and the fumes are affecting your brain!
I refer to my request that you  provide me with details of the shortcomings  the commonwealth Ombudsman  found at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia. I was wondering if one of them was that the Bankruptcy Regulations Manager Mark Findlay  had been Fucking the Florence Choo Deputy Official receiver NSW and Act and then wrote a misleading report covering up gross misconduct by her. I await your reply.
Fiona Brown

Explanations of terms used in Appendix 3
Approaches/complaints finalised—approaches/complaints finalised in 2009–10, including some complaints carried over from previous years
Approaches/complaints received—approaches/complaints received in 2009–10
Category 1—resolved without investigation, outcomes include decisions not to investigate and referrals to appropriate agency or authority
Category 2—cannot be resolved at category 1 and require further internal enquiries/research or more information from the complainant, resolved without contacting the agency
Category 3—investigation conducted and agency contacted
Category 4—further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 3
Category 5—further investigation conducted, as the complaint/approach was not able to be resolved in category 4; involves formal reporting processes
Issues—approaches/complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring a separate decision as to whether to investigate; each issue may result in a separate outcome
Remedies—complaints can contain a number of issues, each requiring separate investigation and possibly resulting in a number of different remedies
Table A1: Approaches and complaints about Australian Government agencies, received and finalised, and remedies 2009–10

TotalNo InvestigationInvestigatedAction expeditedApologyDecision changed or reconsideredDisciplinary actionExplanationFinancial remedyLaw, policy or practice changedOther non-financial remedyRemedy provided by agency without Ombudsman interventionTotal
Category 1Category 2Category 3Category 4Category 5Total
Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Australian Fisheries Management Authority4121--4----------
Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority2-1-1-2----1----1
Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service45208114-43325-14-3-128
Australian Wine and Brandy Corporation1--1--1----1----1
Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry1937292344114-23251-37
National Rural Advisory Council1----------------
Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation2-2---2----------
Administrative Appeals Tribunal296192--27----------
Administrative Review Council2-2---2----------
Attorney-General's Department36161352-362-1-5----8
Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity1---1-11--------1
Australian Crime Commission734---7----------
Australian Customs and Border Protection Service985426159-104311-1823--28
Australian Human Rights Commission1569---15----------
Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre522---4----------
Classification Board1-1---1----------
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia69292268-6562--12-21124
National Capital Authority1----------------
National Native Title Tribunal1-2---2----------
Office of the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions631-2-6--2-2----4
Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy
Australia Post2,6267901,25149753-2,59172885024400151121137917
Australian Broadcasting Corporation7151--71---1----2
Australian Communications and Media Authority33111841-3431--8---113
Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy15564--152---5--1-8
Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency1533155221-109813-49--227
Commonwealth Parliamentary Services
Department of Parliamentary Services2-2---2----------
Family Court of Australia4523174--44----------
Federal Court of Australia6411--6----------
Federal Magistrates Court of Australia161111--13----------
High Court of Australia8141--6----------
Australian Army11137452010-112416-151-1129
Australian Army Cadets2121--4----1----1
Australian Navy Cadets1-1---1----------
Australian War Memorial1--1--1----------
Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Authority7115--711--3----5
Defence Housing Australia31151073-35----3--1-4
Department of Defence1766160388-167826-242---42
Department of Veterans' Affairs16752524420-1686312-207-4-52
Royal Australian Air Force391219111-43--1-72-1-11
Royal Australian Navy431015124-41642-71---20
Education, Employment and Workplace Relations
Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority2--1--1----1----1
The Australian National University11652--13--2-1----3
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations47919512814724-4949714-9618575161
Fair Work Australia61211-5----------
Fair Work Ombudsman5318275-151-1--2-1--4
Office of the Workplace Ombudsman41511-8----2----2
Seafarers Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Authority1-1---1----------
Workplace Authority413213-1910-1-5--1-17
Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts
Australian Antarctic Division622---4----------
Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts3411391414421-345224--3915778102
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority321---3----------
Murray–Darling Basin Authority1-1---1----------
National Gallery of Australia11----1----------
National Library of Australia1-2---2----------
Screen Australia4-2-1-311--1----3
Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Aboriginal Hostels Limited9531--9----1----1
Anindilyakwa Land Council5-1---1----------
Central Land Council1--21-3----2----2
Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs1862437923111851855-11325112161
Indigenous Business Australia716211111-2-2--1-6
Indigenous Land Corporation--1-1-2-----1---1
Northern Land Council12124--7----1--2-3
Registrar of Indigenous Corporations9163--10----3----3
Social Security Appeals Tribunal86343812--842-1-6----9
Tiwi Land Council----1-1----3----3
Finance and Deregulation
Australian Electoral Commission157422-152---2----4
Commissioner for Superannuation (ComSuper)2991553-323-3-5----11
Department of Finance and Deregulation454158223151--3----9
Future Fund Management Agency1-1---1----------
Foreign Affairs and Trade
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)4112--4----2----2
Australian Trade Commission522-1-5----------
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade1317029243-126614-16-12-30
Export Finance and Insurance Corporation----1-1----------
Health and Ageing
Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency Ltd (The)--1---1----------
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency211---2----------
Australian Sports Commission62211-6----1----1
Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority8412--7--1----1-2
Department of Health and Ageing12456384413-1511115-37373269
Food Standards Australia New Zealand11----1----------
National Health and Medical Research Council11----1----------
Office of the Aged Care Commissioner5-16--7----------
Professional Services Review2-2---2----------
Human Services
Child Support Agency2,2801,17647849714512,297133997236490651745461,003
Commonwealth Rehabilitation Service18106---16----------
Department of Human Services211-1-31---1----2
Health Services Australia1-1---1----------
Medicare Australia17190453141171462-19324242
Immigration and Citizenship
Department of Immigration and Citizenship1,6005605124567111,600483041-102791913269
Migration Review Tribunal and Refugee Review Tribunal196102--18----1----1
Office of the Migration Agents Registration Authority1611411-1711-----1-3
Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government
Airservices Australia122821-13--1-3-11-6
Australian Maritime Safety Authority1-11--211-------2
Australian Rail Track Corporation1----------------
Civil Aviation Safety Authority202825-1712--5-1--9
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government43161443-37211-5--1-10
Innovation, Industry, Science and Research
Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies11----1----------
Australian Research Council3-111-3----1-1--2
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation2211--4----1----1
Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research671939721681-3-261--13
IP Australia1669---15----------
Prime Minister and Cabinet
Australian Public Service Commission61411-71---2----3
Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet15564--15111-2-1--6
Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief11----1----------
National Archives of Australia851---6----------
Office of the Privacy Commissioner662040101-71--1-6----7
Resources, Energy and Tourism
Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism1---1-1------2--2
Snowy Hydro Limited--1---1----------
Australian Bureau of Statistics51311161-49-21-3--118
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission328794-28----5--1-6
Australian Prudential Regulation Authority1665657583-1743-4-31525454
Australian Securities and Investments Commission15849693510-163147-82-4-26
Australian Taxation Office1,810504942114202-1,76231309-834652551280
Department of the Treasury72141-8-1--1--2-4
National Competition Council11----1----------
Productivity Commission11----1----------
Royal Australian Mint11----1----------
Superannuation Complaints Tribunal67133916--681---6----7
Tax Agents Board63--2-5----1----1
Tax Practitioner's Board31----1----------
Australian Federal Police21962682011116212226113128
Private Postal Operators113611-11----11---2
ACT Government Agencies67636716610918-6601164321221170
Approaches about Out-of-jurisdiction agencies/requests for information19,15518,787363---19,150

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