Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Commissioner Seve Sedgwick/ KISS my arse and I can perform Miracles

His origins are unclear but it is known he was born a mere mortal and was brought to this world on the wings of angels.
It is unclear if his mother was a virgin at the time of his birth or whether she had a visitation in a vision by ARC Angel Michael and Gabriel.
He worked hard in the Australian Public Service and he prayed he would achieve  greatness.
It was established early that he was able to perform Miracles when you kissed his Arse.
Eventually he reached the inner sanctum of the Australian Public Service Commission and  became known as Commissioner Steve Sedgwick. He then  became known for performing great miracles when his ARSE was Kissed by Agency and Department heads and covered up all systemic Corrupt  conduct in the Department.

In the past Financial year Commissioner Sedgwick covered up 33 referrals of   Department and Agency Heads including 11  from wistleblowers. He refuses to demonstrate how he comes to these decisions and so far has remained unaccountable just like his HERO JESUS

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