Of particular interest is the following question on Legislation/Bankruuptcy Act.
Considering Veronique Ingram is aware that the MONG in the legal Department is giving legal Advice to trustees to breach the Bankruptcy Act using S134(3) what the FUCK is this doing in the survey????????????????????????????????
I am urgently seeking a copy of the internal procedures manual for Government employees.
I will never reveal who provided me with this if you can give me a copy. Please email me direct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Attorney General’s Department is responsible for policy development and legislative changes concerning the Bankruptcy Act and related legislation. Although this survey focuses on ITSA’s services and service delivery, it is also keen to gather feedback from its clients on legislation. Do you have any comments about the existing legislation and/or any suggestions for improvement in the existing legislation or the way it is being implemented by ITSA? | ||

ITSA - Professional Client Survey 2012
- Introduction >
- Instructions >
- Background Information >
- General Services A >
- General Services B >
- Overall Satisfaction >
- Contacting ITSA >
- ITSA's Website >
- Regulation and Enforcement >
- ITSA as a Trustee >
- Future >
ITSA would like to improve its personal insolvency and bankruptcy services. Accordingly, we would like to ask you to take a few minutes of your time to answer the following questions. This is very important to us, so the few minutes you take to "have a say" is greatly appreciated.IMPORTANT - ANONYMITY & CONFIDENTIALITY ASSURED
ITSA has contracted Measured Insights, an independent research group, to handle your feedback to ensure it remains strictly confidential and anonymous. Your responses will be aggregated with all other clients and not be personally identified.As you complete this form you may find questions that are not relevant to you, or in response to which you have no opinion. Please select "Not Applicable / Don't Know" to those questions
You may also feel that this survey or some of the questions contained in this survey would be better answered by others in your organisation. In these circumstances, please forward 'the hyperlink' to the relevant individual and ask if they would also complete the survey.
If you have any questions about the survey content, please ring Mr Jeof Falls of Measured Insights on 0417 922 064, and he would be pleased to help you. For all technical enquiries please email survey@measuredinsights.com .
Australian Government Statistical Clearing House Approval Number: 00563 -- 06.

Section 2: General Services
- Introduction >
- Instructions >
- Background Information >
- General Services A >
- General Services B >
- Overall Satisfaction >
- Contacting ITSA >
- ITSA's Website >
- Regulation and Enforcement >
- ITSA as a Trustee >
- Future >
Each statement below refers to ITSA. Keeping in mind your experiences with ITSA, please rate each statement by answering the following two questions:
Column A: Importance
How important to you/your organisation is each attribute?
Column B: Performance
How well is ITSA currently performing in regard to each attribute?
If the question is not relevant to you, please select "Not Applicable / Don't Know"
The following questions relate to RTs only | |||||||
Importance | Performance | ||||||
21 | ITSA notifying you promptly of: | ||||||
a) new debtors' petitions | |||||||
b) new creditors' petitions | |||||||
c) new sequestration orders | |||||||
22 | Official Receiver notices (eg, s.77C & s.139ZQ) being issued promptly by ITSA | ||||||
23 | ITSA assisting you in the preparation of Official Receiver notices (eg. s.77C & s.139ZQ) | ||||||
24 | ITSA adequately assessing estates before they are transferred to you | ||||||
The following questions relate to DAAs only | |||||||
Importance | Performance | ||||||
25 | Time taken by ITSA to process forms and associated documents | ||||||
26 | Voting results being communicated to administrators at the same time as creditors | ||||||
The following questions relate to Financial Counsellors only | |||||||
Importance | Performance | ||||||
27 | ITSA providing you with debtor packs in a timely manner | ||||||
28 | The Personal Insolvency Information for Debtors booklet containing adequate information to effectively explain to your clients the alternatives to and consequences of bankruptcy | ||||||
29 | The Statement of Affairs being easy to understand and complete by your client | ||||||
30 | Usefulness of ITSA 1300 Hotline for Financial Counsellors and email financial.counsellors@itsa.gov.au | ||||||
The following questions relate to Creditors only | |||||||
Importance | Performance | ||||||
31 | ITSA notifying you promptly of a new bankruptcy | ||||||
32 | Keeping you informed of developments during a bankruptcy | ||||||
33 | ITSA’s reports to creditors clearly explaining the issues to be dealt with by ITSA | ||||||
34 | ITSA informing you of the outcome of the investigation into the referred offence | ||||||
35 | ITSA giving sufficient information for you to decide whether to fund asset recovery | ||||||
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