Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Whistleblowers APSC FOI Disclosure Log

It has become a long tradition for the Australian Public Service Commission to Fuck over complaints by Whistleblowers.
This is because the Faggot Steve Sedgwick strongly believe this is a compliance issue and therefore does not require the appropriate investigation as required by the AGIS. This allows Agencies and Agency Heads to fail to comply with appropriate standards of Conduct and Ethics. I already have FOI fom the APSC admitting this.
I have now requested under FOI documents on whistleblowers and the APSC wants $6,000 to provide me with this.

Monday, 29 October 2012

George Masri/Commonweath Ombudsman/FOI Discosure Log

Investigation Standards FOI APSC Disclosure Log


According to the Skanky Hoe  Karin Fisher( Ethics Manager)at the Australian Public Service Commission  this Commonwealth Agency has no investigation policy although this is a requirement under the Financial Management and accountability Act.
Section 4 of the AGIS clearly sets out the  Investigation Management of Methodologies.
This clearly illustrates  that the Commissioner Steve Sedgewick is in violation of these requirements and needs to get his fist out of his bum and stop wanking himself. The commissioner's decision not to investigate compliance complaints shows that corruption is well entrenched  in the APSC.
Today I received an email from the APSC regarding  Robert Cornall AO who was the only investigator that the APSC  used to investigate one complaint made under S41) F.
Although I have been waiting a month  for  his qualifications it appears that he is in no hurry to supply them to me.
It would appear that as the Attorney General's Secretary Mr Robert Cornall has been given this title ( Order of Australia) for licking Government Officials Arse and fucking the General Public over

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Monday, 22 October 2012

Australian Government Investigation Standards

These are the standards that are to be applied to investigations as set down by the Federal Police.
According to the Australian Public Service Commission and in particular the Commonwealth Ombudsman who bravely told me that they have no investigation policy because they do not do"investigations" Colin Neave must have his fist uphis arse!

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Saturday, 20 October 2012

Robert Cornall AO

Under the Financial Management and Accountability Act , and according to the Australian Government Investigation Standards( AGIS) Commonwealth Government Departments and Agencies  are required to comply  appropriate guidelines that would make the handling of complaints transparent.  Investigators are required to have also the appropriate  level of training.
In  2010-2011 the Australian Public Service Commission received 33 complaints from whistleblowers and also under S41(f) of the APS ACT.
The Skank  Karin Fisher and Commissioner Steve Sedgwick fucked over and covered up all of these complaints but one which was investigated by Robert Cornall .
Clearly , in his position as the Secretary  Attorney General Department there would have been a conflict of interest in his role to  investigate a complaint made under section 41(f)
This would be like asking the Catholic Church to investigate the Catholic Church or asking Corrupt Adam Toma to investigate the now deregistered trustee  Paul Anthony Pattison. It has now become clear that the reason Adam Toma failed to  competently investigate Pattison is because they were both on the take.
Robert Cornall was awarded an AO for his service to the Community through contributions to the development  of Public Policy.
Simply put Public Policy is an attempt by a government to address a public issue, however it has been shown that it is of little value to put guidelines into effect if there is a failure to  have these correctly adhered to.
Robert Cornall with his fists holding his balls,   clearly has covered up a detailed complain made about an Agency Head with the clear knowledge that being a past or  currently employed by the attorney Generals Office  would have made him unsuitable as an investigator in this matter. The 2 past Attorney Generals Philip Ruddock and Robert McClelland had actively covered up atrocious conduct at ITSA.
A recent example of the Attorney General Nicola Roxan  attempting  to cover up corrupt conduct was in the mater of Peter Slipper and James  Ashby. Also Nicola Roxan complained that the opposition leader Tony Abott was a misogynous and hated women is very tiring. Nicola Roxan should consider that Mr Abott( who wanted to become a priest after fathering a child who turned out to be another man's after a DNA test was done 30 years latter) just doesn't like the look of Skanky Hoe's.Or maybe Nicola Roxan was referring to the matter of Pauline Hanson  where Tony Abott set up a slush fund to have her charged and consequently jailed. I am sure there was certain hatred in this matter by the MAD MONK.

Friday, 19 October 2012

Paul Anthony Pattison Deregistration by Justice North

This is the Federal Court Judgement by Justice North after this trustee was found to have fucked over numerous bankrupts  For a long period of time he had been protected by ITSA, Veronique Ingram and the corrupt Adam Toma

23 April 2012
Today, Mr Paul Anthony Pattison, of Melbourne Victoria, was deregistered as a trustee in Bankruptcy.
The decision follows a Federal Court of Australia order in July 2011 accepting Mr Pattison’s voluntary resignation from his 272 active matters. 

Mr Pattison resigned as trustee of these matters and gave an undertaking that he would cease to carry out, consent to, or otherwise accept appointment as a trustee, unless and until he produced evidence in a form acceptable to ITSA or to the Court demonstrating he has the practice and financial capacity to adequately and properly carry out his duties as a trustee.
Since that time Mr Pattison has not been administering any bankruptcy matters. Mr Pattison had been the subject of lengthy investigations conducted by ITSA relating to his capacity to adequately and properly carry out his duties as a registered trustee and to re-start a personal insolvency practice.
As a result of these concerns a statutory committee was convened by the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy. The committee included an experienced registered trustee nominated by the Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia. 

After weighing the evidence and interviewing Mr Pattison the committee concluded there was sufficient evidence to warrant the cancellation of Mr Pattison’s registration. Upon receipt of the committee’s report this morning, the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy gave effect to the decision and immediately moved to deregister Mr Pattison. 

Veronique Ingram, ITSA Chief Executive and Inspector-General in Bankruptcy, said that she appreciated that the committee decision to cancel Mr Pattison’s registration is one that is made following due process and intense deliberation. 

“In accordance with my obligations prescribed in the Bankruptcy Act I have today formally given effect to the committee’s decision. 

“The Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia has a key role to play in maintaining the integrity of Australia’s personal insolvency system. 

“ITSA will continue to work with practitioners and take proactive disciplinary action where appropriate to ensure stakeholders maintain confidence in the system," she said.

