Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Adam Toma ITSA"s propaganda

Acosta, Victoria - ITSA prevents fake bankruptcy ploy by jilted lover

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  1. 4 October 2012
    Alain Omar Acosta of Deer Park, Victoria was convicted in the Melbourne Magistrates Court yesterday in relation to offences under the Criminal Code Act 1995.
    Mr Adam Toma, National Manager of Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia’s (ITSA) regulation and enforcement business area, said yesterday:
    “Acosta’s actions were malicious and deliberate with total disregard for his victims and the integrity of the insolvency system.”
    Acosta, a twenty six year old unemployed office manager was charged with making and producing false documents to ITSA, namely, Debtors’ Petitions and Statements of Affairs completed in the names of six (6) young females known to him with the intention of having them declared bankrupt.
    This is the propaganda released by Adam Toma, the corrupt National Enforcement Manager at ITSA .
    The Insolvency system requires a petitioner to lodge a petition either with the Federal Court or the Federal Magistrates Court. This must be accompanied with a Fee. If it is in the Federal Magistrates court it is approximately $800 and in the Federal Court around $2,200.
    The petitioner is then required to appear in court with the relevant parers. Obviously Mr Acosta had not done this so it now shows that the oversight would have been that ITSA 's
    If these procedures are not completed then there is no possibility of Bankruptcy.
    Adam Toma and ITSA then went on to report...............
    The offences came to light when a victim received documentation from ITSA advising that her bankruptcy application had been accepted. The victim then contacted ITSA to advise she did not lodge the documents and was solvent.
    Her bankruptcy was reversed. ITSA was able to pick up on other suspect documents as there were numerous similarities between them.
    The fact that ITSA accepted documents that had not been though the correct channels shows this report from ITSA is complete propaganda and full of Shit.
    If this matter was ever legitimate Mr Acosta would have paid a considerable amount of money as ITSA claimed there were 3 women who were victims.
    Mr Toma said.....
    " This outcome highlights the vital role of ITSA’s enforcement program"
    So .... clearly there appears also another agenda for this story.
    Acosta could not have filed false papers with ITSA because the correct procedure was not adhered to.
    Adam Toma continues to try and fuck over and intimidate those who he considers to be targets.
    Clearly Adam Toma is leaving behind a paper trail he did not intend anyone to ever find.
    Did Adam Toma also profit from this case???
    After contacting the Victorian Magistrates Court they requested $75 to get a copy of this decision. If this matter was genuine and this matter only concerned ITSA Enforcement then Adam Toma should have put Magistrate Rozencwajg decision on ITSA site.
    Did not this dumb  Magistrate realize that Mr Acosta had not filed false Bankruptcy Papers because the Bankruptcy Process had not been complied with in the first place.
    Magistrate Rozencwajk was the magistrate who sentenced Derryn Hinch for broadcasting the names of Rockspiders.
    By Noel McNamara on August 11th, 2011
    Derryn Hinch is a man who speaks without fear or favour and when Derryn (who has been a great support of victims and their rights for as manys years as I have been in a very unbalance justice system), under these two Attorney Generals when they were in office the late Jim Kennen and who could forget the Rob Hulls years some how because of their leniency to violent criminals especially Rob Hulls with the bleeding heart magistrates, and judges appointed to the judicial chambers, we at CVSA start to question if they knew what side they were meant to bat for.
    Now we have always had suppression order in our our courts that is meant to protect the victims where they could be identified. Fair enough, a good thing but the bleeding hearts decided to beef it up a bit by bringing in suppression orders to protect vile pedophiles, rapists and all sex offenders.
    Derryn Hinch was among many of us at a rally on the steps of Parliament where we all named these vile creatures in the interest of ours children and grandchildren. What followed after that was like Hitler’s Germany, Derryn was charged and the rest of us waited for summonses that never came, go figure. After that the rest is history. Derryn cops five months home detention from a magistrate called Charlie Rozencwajg. I thought that this sentence was a disgrace and that if they were still in Government Hulls mob, they would have a Reverse Sex Offender list for Derryn.
    Charlie Rozencwajg would have to be one of Rob Hulls’ bleeding hearts appointed to the bench as he told us his thoughts on justice which they believes belongs to them not the people who pay their wages. Charlie told the court that Hinch had campaigned for the abolition of suspender sentences and encouraged the passing of a “one size fits all approach which removed judicial discretion” in sentencing. Such an approach would lead to injustices, the magistrate said.
    Charlie, that is what victims have had to put up with for years, suck it up charlie it is now happening…

    Derryn Hinch is fighting to avoid a jail sentence for breaching suppression orders. Source: Herald Sun
    OUTSPOKEN broadcaster Derryn Hinch could face four years’ jail for publicly naming two sex offenders – if doctors can save his life with an emergency liver transplant.
    Hinch, who has been told he has only three months to live due to cancer, was found guilty on four counts of contempt of court for naming the sex offenders in the face of suppression orders.
    In front of a courtroom packed with Hinch supporters, Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg dismissed one charge against the radio commentator, but found four others proven.
    Those four charges relate to Hinch naming the sex offenders on his website and at a rally on the steps of Parliament in 2008.
    A resolute Hinch has decided to run his own defence and do the talking at his plea hearing.
    “I know that people say that a man who represents himself has a fool for a client … but just for the plea, I know who I am and what I’ve done, and I think it’s only fair I do it myself,” he said.
    In March, Hinch lost a High Court constitutional challenge to secrecy provisions in Victoria’s serious sex offender laws. The 67-year-old now faces jail for the second time in his career.
    Chief Crown prosecutor Gavin Silbert, SC, told Mr Rozencwajg a custodial term would normally be expected.
    As a sentencing option, Mr Rozencwajg asked for Hinch to be assessed for home detention, though he stressed that did not indicate his eventual sentence.
    Hinch stuck to his guns outside court.
    “I’m not sorry for what I’ve done,” he said. “It’s a good cause and the law’s a bad law … their names are suppressed and that is just bloody wrong.”
    Hinch said he would still campaign for a public register of sex offenders.
    “I’m glad to see the Herald Sun’s come out editorially in supporting that idea,” he said.
    Hinch will return to the Melbourne Magistrates’ Court on June 21.
    Categorized under: Law and Order.
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    One Response to “Magistrate Charlie Rozencwajg suck it up! Leniant sentences are on the way out.”
    1. Warwick says:
    Two points to make:
    1. Apparently Derryn Hinch was told he had liver cancer and had three months to live so Charlie Rozencwajg gives him a five month home detention sentance!! Bright!! Go figure!!
    2. Derryn Hinch is given a five month home detention sentance and is banned from engaging in gainful employment. Given Derryn Hinch’s trade then isn’t that a restraint of trade under the Act!! Go figure!! A case for abuse of process perhaps?


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