It truly makes me laugh............... according to the Australian Federal Police my blogs are harassing the Senior Management at ITSA..........................
so the WEB definition of harassment is................... an intense feeling of annoyance caused by being tormented and "so great was their harassment from being exposed that they have asked the AFP to try and destroy me"
Web definitions
feeling of intense annoyance caused by being tormented; "so great was
his harassment that he wanted to destroy his tormentors".
er n.

ment n.

Synonyms: harass, harry, hound, badger, pester, plague
These verbs mean to trouble persistently or incessantly. Harass and harry imply systematic persecution by besieging with repeated annoyances, threats, or demands: The landlord harassed tenants who were behind in their rent. A rude customer had harried the storekeeper.
Hound suggests unrelenting pursuit to gain a desired end: Reporters hounded the celebrity for an interview.
To badger is to nag or tease persistently: The child badgered his parents for a new bicycle.
To pester is to inflict a succession of petty annoyances: "How she would have pursued and pestered me with questions and surmises" (Charlotte Brontë).
Plague refers to a problem likened to an epidemic disease: "As I have no estate, I am plagued with no tenants or stewards" (Henry Fielding).
These verbs mean to trouble persistently or incessantly. Harass and harry imply systematic persecution by besieging with repeated annoyances, threats, or demands: The landlord harassed tenants who were behind in their rent. A rude customer had harried the storekeeper.
Hound suggests unrelenting pursuit to gain a desired end: Reporters hounded the celebrity for an interview.
To badger is to nag or tease persistently: The child badgered his parents for a new bicycle.
To pester is to inflict a succession of petty annoyances: "How she would have pursued and pestered me with questions and surmises" (Charlotte Brontë).
Plague refers to a problem likened to an epidemic disease: "As I have no estate, I am plagued with no tenants or stewards" (Henry Fielding).
Usage Note: Educated usage appears to be evenly divided on the pronunciation of harass.
In our 1987 survey 50 percent of the Usage Panel preferred stressing
the first syllable, while 50 percent preferred stressing the second.
Curiously, the Panelists' comments appear to indicate that each side
regards itself as an embattled minority.
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