Friday, 27 July 2012

Email to the Federal Police Commissioner : negligence of the AGIS

Subject: Breaches of the AGIS and negligence of the AFP
Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2012 12:43:42 +1000

.Dear Mr Negus,
I understand  the Australian Federal Police has been involved  in a programme which has revised the  IGIS, or Australian Government Investigation standards.
 You will be aware this is a requirement under the Financial and Accountability Act.
I am also aware all Government Agencies involved in this must complete training programmes.
However, Internal noncompliance with legislation in Government Agencies have allowed systemic corrupt conduct to flourish.
This is particular in the Insolvency Trustee Service, Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Australian Public Service Commission.
It is clear now that although investigation standards do exist there is no safeguard that agencies comply with them.
I am  now refer to section 4.8
Agencies are to refer any matters to the AFP for possible investigation where there is substantial evidence of criminal activity or suspected criminal activity by a member of an Agency fraud investigation , control prevention or compliance unit. The AFP will also consider investigating matters where there could  be a real or perceived conflict of interest if the matter were to be investigated by the Agency concerned(for instance , where the allegations concerns a member of the executive with some responsibility for the Agency's investigation function)
 The Insolvency trustee Service Australia is aware it's Principal Legal Officer Matthew Osborne is giving Legal Advice to Trustee that the Bankruptcy Act may be breached using S134(3). This gives discretion to  a trustee, however it is limited only to property realized.
According to Matthew Osborne this section gives a trustee discretion on all aspects of the Bankruptcy Act. It even extends to discretion as to misleading creditors.
Please would the Australian Federal Police  advise me what powers have been put in place by them when they are made aware of the serious breaches by a number of Government agencies of the AGIS to cover up atrocious misconduct.
If this matter should go to court  be aware I will  subpoena you  to give evidence  on your negligence .
Thank You
Fiona Brown

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