Saturday, 28 July 2012

FOI:: Insolvency Trustee Service Australia Investigation Policy

Subject: Freedom of Information
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 20:13:18 +1000

To whom it may concern,
Under Freedom of Information I am requesting a copy of the your agency's investigation policy. This is a requirement under the Financial Management and Accountability Act.
I will remind you what this contains:
S1.1 Investigation Policy

::A statement regarding the agency's objectives in carrying out its investigation functions and use of sanctions.

:: A clear definition of activities applicable to the Agency to which the AGIS apply. This should include a description of compliance activities that are not generally considered investigations by the agency.

::A statement regarding the agency's responsibility to manage matters that are considered minor or routine and

:: A statement regarding the agency responsibility to refer criminal matters to the Australian Federal Police. This should include considerations of joint agency investigation teams where appropriate.

Also under FOI I would like to be given in writing what level of Investigation training or qualification that Mark Findlay Bankruptcy Regulations received. Also I am requiring the same of Adam Toma National Manager Bankruptcy Regulations and Enforcement.
I am also particularly interested if your investigations policy require all applicable Acts be complied with.
Thank you
Fiona Brown

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