Monday, 19 November 2012

APS Commissioners directions/ APSC Disclosure Log

Under Freedom of Information it has been revealed that the Australian Public Service Commission has no Investigation policy. It appears Commissioner Steve Sedgwick enjoys wanking himself.
The Attorney General's Investigation policy Pages 28, 29 and 30 gives the directions of the Public Service Commissioner in relation to determining breaches of the code of conduct . This would include deliberate breaches of Australian Law.
Section 5.4 of the Attorney General's Investigation standard requires that the person making the determination of breaches be independent and unbiased.

In the 2 previous financial years the wanker Sedgwick APSC Commissioner and the skank Karin Fisher, Ethics Manager has made the determination that all but one whistleblower or Agency Heads complaints should be fucked over. Another investigation was done by the Fucker Robert Cornall AO ( who received this award for licking arses) and loves the taste of shit.
The fact that Sedgwick and Fisher are not independent and in senior management at the APSC would have disqualified them for making decisions on breaches of conduct. As the emails show to Alison Larkins, the fat Mong that was acting Commonwealth Ombudsman and Veronique Ingram who along with Karin Fisher and Helen Daniels of the Attorney Generals department needs a night with a Truckie there was no obvious compliance with any AGIS standards.
An investigation also carried out by the Fucker Robert Cornall is a conflict of interest because his old fag worked for the Attorney Generals department and there was no independence.
The APSC have now gone to extreme lengths to establish the qualifications of Robert Cornall to me to carry out the investigation which fucked over whistleblowers and referral of Agency heads, however it is obvious that this fucker has a conflict of Interest.
Under FOI it has now been requested to obtain the statistics on Whistleblowers S16 and referral of Agency Heads S41(f) for the past 10 years to establish how long this behaviour has been occurring at the APSC

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