Friday, 30 November 2012

Bankrupt George Adler Media Releases

George Adler is a three time bankrupt, struck off solicitor and has spent time in jail for obtaining money with deception.
Despite all this Tibor Karolyi  from ITSA allowed him to travel overseas and now he is lost to the system. It is unclear if he ever returned to Australia. It is too easy for a bankrupt to change their name and assume a new identity.
Under freedom of Information Adler's statement of Affairs  is to be sought. Although it is mandatory for a statement of Affairs to be filed it is unclear if Tibor Karolyi  obtained this before overseas travel. It is also a breach of the duty of a trustee (S19)to fail  to have this complied with.
Also FOI will also reveal whether Tibor Karolyi  extended Adlers Bankruptcy.
Tibor Karolyi's neglect of duty in this matter is atrocious. Before  authorising overseas travel Karolyi  would have taken statements from the bankrupt. I am aware Karolyi is not of good character and any admissions by Adler would be concealed.
Tibor Karolyi's ex-wife was a high School teacher in Sydney's West. This predator woman had an affair with one of her students. It is disturbing that Mrs Karolyi lusted after her male students.
Tibor  then remarried  an asian woman that worked for him at ITSA.
Tibor Karolyi  now woks for Tayeh De Vries at Parramatta.
It is also unclear if Tibor Karolyi requested money from Adler before also granting travel.

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