Saturday, 2 February 2013

FOI Whistleblowers& S41 APS Commission

How very amuzing!!!

The Australian Public Service Commission, although they are aware of the documents that are available and fall under my scope of request has made the decision not to release them to me for the following reasons...........

Section 47E... Operations of Agencies.....

The documents are exempt because releasing them to me would show how senior management have their cocks up each others arse and are fucking everyone over. To have these documents released to me may prevent this from continuing.

Under the APS Act,the Australian Public Service Commissioner has an important role to play in fucking over complaints.
The Commissioners functions are under 41(l) © of the PS Act and to inquire into whistle-blowers under S16

So how funny is this******************************
The Commissioners role is to inquire into breaches of the code of conduct by Agency Heads and to report to the appropriate authority on the results of such inquiries( including , where relevant , any recommendations for sanctions)

However as the Australian Public Service Commission  also tells me the Commissioner is not obliged to inquire into every allegation  received.
This allows the Commissioner to be as blind to corrupt conduct and breaches of the Australian Public Service Act as Julia Gillard   with the matter of Craig Thomson.
It is a requirement that the APS Commission comply with the AGIS though there appears  no one policing this.
It is more than obvious that both Segewick and Fisher need a  fucking so hard up their arses that they both can't walk.
I have been told that compliance breaches do not count or are considered by the Commissioner or Fisher.
So how funny when the APS try to tell me that the Commissioners functions relating to conduct are important functions, conferred to by the Australian Parliament , for the purpose of maintaining high ethical standards in the APS.
The documents are also are denied to me because such disclosure may prevent other witnesses making complaints so the must remain confidential.
I consider this particularly amusing as all the complaints have already been fucked over by Sedgwick and Fisher so this is the real fact that would prevent other witnesses from making complaints.

The APS Commission has no investigation policy and fails to comply with the standards of the AGIS as required

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