Friday, 8 February 2013

ITSA FOI 24.1.2013 reply 7.2.2013/ ITSA dislosure log

Freedom Of Information Officer
PO Box 821


Dear Mr Maher,
I refer to your letter I dated the 24th January 2013
Perhaps you have failed to take into consideration and also failed to take into account any necessary foresight when you have foolishly attempted to debate me that it is not a requirement for Bankruptcy Regulations to comply with the AGIS. It has also been revealed that ITSA also has no adequate investigation policy. Considering ITSA is a Commonwealth Agency with a budget of $43,000,000 that is being protected by the Commonwealth Ombudsman and also by the Australian Public Service Commission this would demonstrate the complete failure of adequate
policies and procedures

You will be aware that ITSA's refusal to supply me with the statistics of de-registered trustee's plus the names of the ITSA staff who investigated these complaints at no charge is now with the Office of the Information Commissioner.

Please do not assume that  I no longer   wish to be notified the names of any ITSA staff that gave permission for the three time bankrupt, struck off solicitor who also had served time in jail to travel overseas. I am aware that Tibor Karolyi was one of these , though please supply me with the names of the other staff.
I am aware that Tibor Karolyi( who was Assistant Business line Manger at ITSA has confided in me on a number of occasions ITSA accepts false statement of Affairs from Bankrupts. You can ring him to confirm this. He now works at de Vries Tayeh and his phone number is 96333333. Please also advise me if George Adler filed a false statement of Affairs before he was granted overseas travel.
You can also ring Cheryl Cullen on 82337823 to confirm that ITSA has the discretion to mislead a creditor.
I have posted Jamie Lee Alexander's Statement of Affairs on the internet for your convenience. I understand this statement of Affairs which was obviously false and was accepted by ITSA. I have attached a letter from Gavin McCosker National Manager Corporate Strategy and support that ITSA accepted this false statement of affairs. Please advise me if it is ITSA's policy that this is acceptable.
Also again I am requesting any creditors updates on this bankruptcy issued by ITSA .
I also bring to your attention the 16 complaints about ITSA sent to the Commonwealth Ombudsman that I have posted on the internet . I originally asked for the 70 complaints but obviously this would reveal too much information. I have posted these on the internet for your convenience( and the rest of the world's)
I now bring to your attention the following statement you made......................

Although I have decided that disclosure would be, on balance , be  contrary to public interest, as evidence by your various blog sites which contain frequent offensive language and depictions as well as gross misinterpretations- clearly shows you have little or no regard for the privacy or individuals and provides  evidence  that disclosure would be contrary to  public interest. There is a substantial risk in my view that should documents containing the personal information of an individual be provide to you, you would use those documents inappropriately to cause offence and /or embarrassment to those individuals, or to make  unsubstantial allegations against ITSA or private sector trustees..
There can be no public benefit in this , and indeed potential public harm as well  harm to individuals concerned"
As this has obviously brought distress to Senior Management at ITSA and I am not aware that I have posted any “UNSUBSTANTIATED ALLEGATION or misinterpretations” about ITSA , should you strongly consider anything I have written to be false please bring this to my attention.
Thank you
Fiona Brown

.This is the FOI received on the 24th January 2013 from ITSA

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