Saturday, 2 February 2013

What happened to dave Maher ITSA's FOI Officer????

So what has happened to Dave Maher the FOI Officer from ITSA who probably disclosed too much to me in my Freedom of Information request ???????????

He was on holidays until the 7th January 2013 then he returned to ITSA for some very important business ( I suspect it was my FOI ) and now he has gone again and will return again on the 7th February.
In his place is Matthew Osborne the principal legal Officer at ITSA who needs a fuck up the ase for telling me that ITSA and Insolvency trustee's had a discretion to breach the Bankruptcy Act.
Considering Dave Maher made disclosures of the failure of management at ITSA and in particular Adam Toma and Veronique Ingram, has Adam Toma assigned Dave Maher off to a camp for re-education of FOI Officers?????????????????

How very funny considering ITSA's record for intimidating anyone who inquires into the conduct at ITSA...........................
Also Adam Toma, if you are reading this, and I believe you probably will,
I am still waiting for the you to have me charged as you threatened in 2009.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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