Saturday, 9 February 2013

IPA Full of shit/ Veronique Ingram

More Shit from the IPA.

Taking into consideration is is only an association it appears they are crawling up the arse of Veonique Ingram. They must be trying to join in fucking each other like everyone at ITSA

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ITSA annual report - pleasing trends in trustee performance

by Michael Murray | Nov 01, 2012
The ITSA Annual Report for 2011-2012 shows some pleasing and continuing trends in the standards of conduct of trustees in bankruptcy.

The ITSA Annual Report has been released by the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy.

Three features about the performance of practitioners are highlighted.
First, the overall number of errors of trustees (238) remained relatively stable in 2011–12. This statistic coupled with the decreasing number of trustees requested to take remedial action and the increasing percentage of administrations inspected with no errors is said by the Inspector-General to be a pleasing trend.
Second, while the number of complaints against trustees increased marginally, the Inspector-General found it pleasing to note that the percentage of complaints found to be justified decreased in 2011–12.

Third, only one trustee was deregistered in the relevant period.

The report is a very useful coverage of the operation of the personal insolvency regime, including the trends in the types of administrations, the nature of debtors and their assets, the extent of creditors' claims and the returns to those creditors.

The IPA is examining the report in more detail and will keep members informed.

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